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Lonze Bio's 2024 annual meeting
—— 隆泽生物2024年终总结暨2025年度庆典—— 踔历奋发 砥砺前径 瑞龙辞岁,金蛇报喜。回首过去的一年,我们并肩作战,用汗水浇灌收获,以实干笃定前行,取得了斐然成绩。 2025年1月18日,西安隆泽生物工程有限责任公司2024年终会议在香格里拉酒店举行。展望新的一年,我们将踔厉奋发,砥砺前行。 PART.1 年 终 总 结 会议伊始,各部门员工依次登台,如同展开一幅幅年度工作的精彩画卷。他们坦诚分享过去一年取得的成果,剖析存在的问题,并精心规划未来的发展路径。每一个数据、每一项举措,都凝聚着无数个日夜的辛勤付出。 副总经理汪总对销售部的业绩给予了高度认可,在肯定每位成员闪光点的同时,精准地指出问题,并给出宝贵的改进方向。副总经理王总则将目光聚焦于生产部门,对他们的辛勤付出与显著进步给予充分肯定,同时针对突出问题提出严格的改进要求。...
Where can I buy lychee extract?
Lychee is an evergreen tree of the Sapotaceae family and the genus Lychee, about 10 metres tall. The pericarp is scaly-spotted, bright red and purple-red. Ripe to bright red; seeds all enclosed by fleshy aril. Flowering in spring, fruiting in summer. The flesh is translucent and gelatinous when fresh, with a delicious flavour, but does not store well. It is found in south-western, southern and south-eastern China, and is most abundantly cultivated in Guangdong and southern Fujian. It is also...
Rhodiola rosea L. is a perennial herbaceous plant of Rhodiola rosea in the Sedum family, with a height of 10-20 cm. Root stout, conical, fleshy, brown yellow, root neck with many fibrous roots, rhizome short, coarse, cylindrical, by many imbricate arrangement of scaly leaves. Inflorescence corymbose, densely flowered, 2 cm long and 3-6 cm wide; Petals 4, yellow-green, linear-oblanceolate or oblong, 3 mm long. Rhodiola grows in the high-cold pollut-free zone of 1800-2700 meters above sea level,...
Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus Pollich) is a plant of the genus Rubus fruticosus in the Rose family. Branches arched or climbing, branches often rooting at contact of ground; Sparsely prickly. Compound leaves, alternate, with 3-5 leaflets; Leaflets broadly elliptic; Petiole sparsely prickly; Leaflets with short stalks. Racemes terminal; Petals 5, white, pink or red. Aggregate fruit subglobose, black or dark purplish red. Native to temperate Europe, especially Eastern North America and the Pacific...
High quality wolfberry extract
Wolfberry(Lycium chinense Miller) is a genus of Lycium in the Solanaceae family. Wolfberry is the general name of commodity lycium barbarum, Ningxia lycium barbarum and Chinese lycium barbarum. People's Daily consumption and medicinal wolfberry for Ningxia wolfberry fruit "wolfberry". Ningxia wolfberry has the largest cultivated area in China, mainly distributed in northwest China. Other common varieties are Chinese wolfberry and its varieties. Ningxia Zhongning wolfberry was evaluated...
High quality Turnjujube extract
Turnjujube (Scientific name:Hovenia acerba Lindl.) tall trees in the family Hovenia acerba, 10-25 m tall, branchlets brown or black-purple, alternate, thick papery to papery, broadly ovate, elliptic-ovate or heart-shaped, petioles 2-5 cm long, difid cyrds, terminal and axillary, bisexual flowers, sepals with reticulate veins or vertical stripes, Petals ellipse-spatulate, berry-shaped drupe subglobose, yellow-brown or brownish at maturity, seeds dark brown or black-purple, flowering may - July,...
Barley (Scientific name: Hordeum vulgare L.) is an annual herb in the genus Malting. Culms stout, smooth, glabrous, erect, up to 100 cm tall. Leaf sheaths loosely clasped,glabrous or pilose at base; Two lanceolate auricles on both sides; Ligule membranous, leaf blade flat. Spikelet, spikelet dense, sessile, glumes linear lanceolate, pubescent, lemma several equal to lemma. Caryopsis stuck to lemma, not exfoliated when ripe. Barley grows in a wide environment and has a spring and winter growth...
"Black pearl" purple corn is an important raw material in food and beverage industry
Purple corn gets its deep purple color from anthocyanin, an antioxidant. Recent studies have found that purple corn's antioxidant properties have health benefits. We are seeing a continued rise in interest in natural colours, particularly in the US, where some leading companies have vowed to remove artificial ingredients from their food and beverage products. The majority of food and beverage products worldwide that contain purple corn use purple corn extract, accounting for 63%. As more and...
Drink together, walk hand in hand, Longze Biotechnology dinner party!
Time flies, time is like a song. In order to thank you for your hard work in 2021, increase the cohesion of the company's staff, and encourage everyone to devote themselves to the work of the New Year with enthusiasm and full of spirit, On February 16, 2022, Longze Biotechnology held a dinner party of "Work together for a Better Future". In 2021, we will make concerted efforts to challenge ourselves and constantly surpass ourselves as a big family. In 2022, we will continue to strive to take...
The origin of Christmas, few people know that the original Santa Claus is actually him(fruit powder)
An important Christian festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. Also known as Jesus Christmas, the Main nativity festival, also known as the Catholic Christmas feast. The date of Jesus' birth is not recorded in the [Bible". In 336 AD the Roman Church began to celebrate the festival on December 25. December 25 is the original Roman Empire provisions of the sun god's birthday. Some believe that Christmas was chosen because Christians believe That Jesus is the just and eternal sun. After...
butterfly pea flower powder benefits butterfly pea flower extract recipe
Butterfly Pea Flower Powder Natural Superfood coloring Specification of Butterfly pea powder Product name: Butterfly pea powder Appearance: Blue gray powder Test method: TLC Mesh size: 99% pass 700 mesh (ultra-fine powder) Resource: Flower imported from Thailand Package: Aluminum foil bag,paper-drum Introduction of Butterfly pea powder Butterfly Pea first gained its reputation as a powerful hair strengthener in the traditional Thai medicine. It also provide anthocyanin to improve eyesight,...
Factory direct chaga mushroom extract benefits
Product name: Chaga mushroom extract Latin name: Inonotus obliquus Specification: Juice powder, Extract 4:1-20:1 Source: from fresh Chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) Extraction part: Whole part Test method: TLC Appearance: Brown yellow fine powder Chaga mushroom have been utilized in Eastern European and Korean folk medicine for several centuries. At least as early as the sixteenth century, Eastern Europeans, Koreans, and Russians used chaga mushrooms to cure everything from tuberculosis to...
Natrual plant Turkey Tail best Mushroom Extract
Introduction of Turkey tail extract powder: Product name: Turkey tail powder Latin name: Trametes versicolor Specification: Juice powder, Extract 4:1-20:1 Source: from fresh Turkey tail extract (Trametes versicolor) Extraction part: Whole part Test method: TLC Appearance: Brown yellow fine powder Coriolus versicolor extract is a medicinal mushroom widely prescribed for prophylaxis and treatment of cancer and infection in China. It has been extensively proved that the ingredients obtained from...
ISO Factory Provide Effective beetroot juice powder beetroot extract powder
Beetroot powder is a root vegetable that grows primarily in the ground with a leafy top that grows aboveground. It can be found in both temperate and tropical areas of the world. It takes approximately 60 days from seed to harvest. Beets have been cultivated for thousands of years for their dietary value. Recent studies have indicated that consuming beetroot juice can improve certain health conditions and can also improve oxygenation during athletic activities. Though the full health effects of...
Mangosteen Extract Fine Powder mangosteen fruit benefits
Mangosteen Extract Latin Name: Garcinia mangostana L. Specifications: 1. Polyphenols 5-40% 2. Test by UV 3. Plant Extract Appearance: Brown yellow powder Description of Mangosteen Extract: Mangosteen is a tropical evergreentree believed to have originated in the Sunda Islands and the Moluccas of Indonesia. It grows mainly in Southeast Asia, and also in tropical South American countries such as Colombia, in the state of Kerala in India and in Puerto Rico, where the tree has been introduced. The...
Pure natural fruit powder Cloudberry fruit extract powder
Introduction of cloudberry fruit powder: Product name: Cloudberry Fruit Powder Latin name: Rubus chamaemorus Specification: Fruit powder, Extract 4:1-20:1 Source: from fresh Cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus) Extraction part: Fruit Test method: TLC Appearance: Pink red fine powder Cloudberry is a herb native to alpine and arctic regions. The edible fruit colored golden-yellow having a form similar to the raspberry or blackberry. Wild growing cloudberries are highly valued and a favourite wild fruit...
how to make sea moss extract Natural sea moss powder irish sea moss pure powder
Introduction of Irish seamoss powder: Product name: Irish sea moss powder Latin name: Chondrus Crispus Specification: Raw powder Source: from fresh seamoss Extraction part: Whole herb Test method: TLC Appearance: Yellow white fine powder Despite its name, Irish moss (Chondrus crispus) isn`t really a moss: It`s a type of algae, or seaweed. This red, branching seaweed is found on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in Britain, Europe, and North America. Irish moss plays an important role in a number...
Water soluble Mulberry fruit powder mulberry extract benefits mulberry extract powder
Introduction of Black soybean hull extract powder: Product name: Mulberry Fruit Extract, mulberry extract, mulberry extract powder, black mulberry extract, mulberry powder Latin name: Fructus Mori Specification: Extract powder, Extract 4:1-20:1 Source: from fresh Mulberry fruit (Fructus Mori) Extraction part: Fruit Appearance: Purple red fine powder Mulberry (Sāng Shen), also known as mulberry, sugarcane, mulberry jujube, Mulberry fruit, wu Shen, etc., is the mature fruit of mulberry tree and...
kinds specification cranberry extract cranberry powder
Introduction of cranberry powder: Product name: cranberry powder Latin name: Vaccinium Macrocarpon Specification: Extract powder, Extract 4:1-20:1 Source: from fresh cranberry fruit Extraction part: Fruit Appearance: Purple red fine powder Cranberry, also known as cranberry, small red berry, is the rhododendron cranberry subgenus, also known as the common name of artemisia sphaerophyta subgenus, this subgenus of species are evergreen shrubs, mainly grow in the northern hemisphere climate cooler...
factory direct Supply Purple Corn powder High Purity Purple Corn Extract
Introduction of purple corn extract powder: Product name: Purple corn extract powder Latin name: ZEA MAYZ L. Specification: Extract powder, Extract 4:1-20:1, Anthocyanidins 1-25%, Anthocyanins 1-25% Source: From fresh purple corn seed Extraction part: Seed Appearance: Purple red fine powder where to buy purple corn?What is purple corn? Called [kculli" by the Incas, purple corn (or purple corn) is grown in Peru at over 3,000 meters above sea level. Rich in anthocyanins, which give it its sublime...
Natural Blueberry Extract Blueberry Fruit Powder It can be used in food and cosmetics
Introduction of Blueberry fruit powder: Product name: Blueberry fruit powder Latin name: Vaccinium corymbosum L. Specification: Fruit powder Source: from fresh blueberry Extraction part: Fruit Test method: TLC Appearance: Purple red fine powder Blueberry Extract powder are made by fresh blueberry fruit. It is a perennial flowering plants with indigo-colored berries from the section Cyanococcus within the genus Vaccinium (a genus that also includes cranberries, bilberries and grouseberries)....
natural plant extract Butterfly Pea Flower Powder Butterfly Pea extract
Butterfly Pea Flower Powder Natural Superfood coloring Specification of Butterfly pea powder Product name: Butterfly pea powder Appearance: Blue gray powder Test method: TLC Mesh size: 99% pass 700 mesh (ultra-fine powder) Resource: Flower imported from Thailand Package: Aluminum foil bag,paper-drum Introduction of Butterfly pea powder Butterfly Pea first gained its reputation as a powerful hair strengthener in the traditional Thai medicine. It also provide anthocyanin to improve eyesight,...
Natrual plant extract Turkey Tail Mushroom Extract Mushroom powder
Introduction of Turkey tail extract powder: Product name: Turkey tail powder Latin name: Trametes versicolor Specification: Juice powder, Extract 4:1-20:1 Source: from fresh Turkey tail extract (Trametes versicolor) Extraction part: Whole part Test method: TLC Appearance: Brown yellow fine powder Coriolus versicolor extract is a medicinal mushroom widely prescribed for prophylaxis and treatment of cancer and infection in China. It has been extensively proved that the ingredients obtained from...
High quality pure black elderberry extract powder
Introduction of Elderberry Extract Powder: Product name: Pure elderberry extract, Elderberry extract powder, Black Elderberry Extract, sambucus black elderberry extract, organic elderberry extract. Latin name: Sambucus Sambucus nigra L. Specification: Anthocyanins 5-35% Test by HPLC; Anthocyanidins 5-25% Test by UV; Ratio Extract 5:1, 10:1, 20:1 etc; Polyphenols 5%-30%; Flavone 5%-30%. Source: Elderberry fruit (Sambucus Sambucus nigra L.) Extraction part: Fruit Appearance: Purple Red to dark...
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Privacy statement: Your privacy is very important to Us. Our company promises not to disclose your personal information to any external company with out your explicit permission.